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MphasiS in Nasscom Top IT Firms Ranking 2008-09

Note: Includes IT Services, Engg Services, Software Products and Offshore Product Development revenues. Ranking is based on companies that have submitted the detailed form. It does not include Mahindra Satyam whose revised audited revenues are not available . This list does not include some companies whose corporate headquarters are located outside India, but have significant India-centric delivery capabilities, and have not shared their India-centric revenue figures. Had they been ranked based on their India revenues, companies such as Accenture, Cognizant ,  HP and IBM and would have also appeared in this ranking.

Note: This list does not include some companies whose corporate headquarters are located outside India, but have significant India-based delivery capabilities, and have not shared their India-based revenue figures. Had they been ranked based on their India revenues, companies such as Convergys and Sutherland Global Services would have also appeared in this list. Since several companies are privately held, in order to maintain uniformity, revenue figures for the ranked companies are not being shared.

Note: This list is based on the India-based headcount of firms with IT-BPO operations in India, as reported to NASSCOM in its annual survey. Based on publicly available information, few other MNC's such as Accenture and IBM would have also featured in this list. However, as they have not participated in the survey, we do not have all the required details and are unable to rank them. Most companies on this list are engaged in IT as well as BPO. Companies marked with an * indicate pure-play BPO firms.